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Helping Women Make More Money in Their Businesses

With Grace and Ease, not Hustle and Grind

What is MadeHerselfABoss?

MadeHerselfABoss is an information and event-based company that shifts service-based entrepreneurs into money-making CEOs.

We promote #GrowthWithoutGrind, our unique framework designed to allow women to grow their businesses and make more money with grace and ease!

Why we Do it…

If you are reading this, chances are you know that you’ll never get the life and business you truly dream about by just sitting there.

We know that you are deserving of everything you want in life while walking in your purpose and doing what you love to do.
We know that small businesses, especially those owned by women need more support, and the numbers reflect it as well…


These numbers are simply unacceptable and so we are doing our part to change this, one woman, entrepreneur at a time!  

the numers - madeherselfaboss page assets

Join our Mailing list now to learn tips on how to make more money in your business! 

So, How Do we Do it?

Team Madeherselfaboss is committed to helping our clients confidently grow their businesses using the

The MadeHerselfABoss FrameWork

Beige Modern Woman Illustration Notebook Cover

Meet the team

MadeHerselfABoss creators Bri Onley and Shinika Crawley, the dynamic duo equipping & empowering part-time service-based entrepreneurs who aren’t experiencing cash flow, to gain the clarity & confidence needed to experience growth without grinding in their business!

The goal is to place women where they can build a business that serves them financially without the hustle!

With grace & ease, we want to help entrepreneurs make more money in their business so they don’t have to experience small business poverty. We want to ensure you are clear, confident and committed to the success you desire for yourself and your business. We are beyond grateful that you are now in our community. We hope that with our interactions together you feel so glad that you came and are on fire for all your desires. We hope you feel clear and know your next step to move your business forward. As you continue to do the work most won’t do to see growth, we are so excited about the possibility of working with you because you are FINALLY ready to show up fully and do the work necessary to truly grow a business that’s making money and allowing you to fund your freedoms.


Take us with you on the go, wherever you go!