Playing It Safe Will Keep You Broke
Why Playing It Safe Will Keep You Broke: The Truth About Big Picture Thinking
If you’re still playing it safe in your business, you’re playing yourself. Staying in your comfort zone might feel good right now, but it’s the fastest way to stay stuck, stagnant, and far from the big picture life you dream about.
So let’s get real about why big picture thinking isn’t just a nice idea it’s a non-negotiable for the entrepreneur who’s ready to grow.
What Exactly is Big Picture Thinking?
Big picture thinking is about stepping back, zooming out, and envisioning the life and business you truly desire without limits. It’s looking beyond your current circumstances and asking, “What’s next? What’s bigger? What’s bolder?”
But here’s the kicker: it’s not enough to just dream big. You have to embody the mindset, energy, and actions of the person who’s already living that vision.
Sounds simple, right? Most people get stuck in fear, doubt, or the trap of “realistic” thinking.
The Comfort Zone is a Trap
You know that cozy little bubble you’ve built for yourself? The one where you set safe goals, avoid risks, and tell yourself, “I’m doing enough”? Yeah, that bubble is the thing keeping you from your breakthrough.
Your comfort zone is designed to keep you stuck. It’s where fear whispers, “You’re not ready,” and self-doubt reminds you of every time you failed. But nothing great happens there. Growth requires discomfort. It requires courage. And it requires you to say, “I’m tired of settling for less.”
Your Energy is the Real Currency
Here’s a fact that most entrepreneurs ignore: your energy is just as important as your strategy. We’d like to argue even more important. If you’re stuck in fear, overwhelm, or low vibes, guess what? That’s the energy you’re sending out into the world. And you’ll attract opportunities that match that energy aka, not much.
Big picture thinking starts with shifting your energy to match your vision. High-vibration energy think gratitude, joy, and love creates momentum that moves mountains. So how do you stay aligned? Here are some quick hacks:
- Blast your hype playlist (yes, that Beyoncé song on repeat counts).
- Journal your wins, no matter how small.
- Speak affirmations that remind you of who you are and where you’re going.
When you move with confidence and high energy, the universe moves with you.
Dream Bigger, Then 10X It
Here’s what you don’t want to hear about your goals: they’re probably too small. Yes, even the ones that feel huge and scary. Most of us aim for what feels “achievable,” but big picture thinking requires you to stretch far beyond that.
Let’s say your goal is to make $1,000 this month. What happens when you 10X that goal to $10,000? Suddenly, you’re thinking about different strategies, bigger opportunities, and a version of yourself who’s capable of more. The beauty of 10X thinking is that even if you don’t hit that bigger target, you’ll land far beyond where you started.
The Danger of Not Acting
You know what’s scarier than failing? Waking up a year from now in the exact same place, with the exact same excuses, and the exact same dreams collecting dust. The danger of not embracing big picture thinking is that nothing changes. You stay comfortable. You stay small. And your vision stays just that a vision.
The version of you who’s ready to live your big picture life already exists. She’s bold. She’s decisive. And she doesn’t wait for the “perfect” moment to act. So stop waiting. Start moving.
Your Big Picture is Waiting What’s Your Next Step?
Big picture thinking isn’t just about dreaming big. It’s about becoming the person who makes that dream inevitable. So ask yourself:
- What does your big picture vision look like if there are no limits?
- Who do you need to become to make it a reality?
- And most importantly, what’s the bold step you can take today to start living it?
Drop the fear. Drop the excuses. And drop the small moves. Your big picture is calling. Are you ready to answer?
We know you said yes, now you have your next steps below:
- Tune in now to watch the rest of Big Picture Thinking on the Madeherselfaboss Podcast
- Head to so that we can support you with your Big Picture Vision for your business
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